Fool Who Ripped her Pants..

That's right Sponge Bob, you're not the only one!

At some point today at my daughter's Cobra Kid Award assembly I quite possibly may have ripped the seat of my cargo capris.

Question is when exactly.

See all the parents sit in the back of the multi purpose room (what happened to separate gyms, cafeterias and auditoriums?) When your kid's class is called, that's your Que to get your camera ready because your child is about to receive the coveted Cobra Kid Award. Get your butt up out of your chair and get close (especially if you don't have a super powered lens on your camera, cuz your lucky if you will even be able to catch a decent Kodak moment in the lighting provided by elementary schools).

So did it happen before or after I stood up to take pictures of Mr. Newkirk's 4th grade class with my back (and behind) to the gamut of proud parents?

Or did it happen at Costco? One can only hope not to see a mother of two arching her back while pushing a heavy laden Costco basket with her drawers hanging out of the seat of her ripped cargos.

Embarrassed? Not really. But I am quite afraid of ending up on a website like People of Walmart. I didn't make it there today thank goodness...

post signature Fool Who Ripped His Pants - Sponge Bob..


Design It Chic said…
oh boy this is so funny! i mean i bet it surely was for that someone who actually saw this:))) everybody has to experience this at once... so just pat yourself on the back cause now you can cross that off you list of things to do before retirement:))ha ha ha :))
Happy Tuesday! Come check the randomness going on in my world:)
Dumb Mom said…
Sounds like something that would happen to me. I would totally be embarrassed if it happened at the school. Only b/c my kids' school is full of 100%-perfect-super-moms-who-make-no-mistakes that are dying to find a reason to hate me. Only, since I'm awesome, they can't! Stopped over from SITS!
mommakin said…
Oh, dude. Been there, done that...
Steph said…
Too funny! Happens to the best of us!

...stopping by from SITS...

Steph @ Stick It in the Fridge
Hahaha! That site is too funny. I'll be checking for a Costco one. lol ;)
That Sponge Bob soundtrack is priceless. I admire your attitude on this whole thing. So devil may care. Perhaps people thought you were starting a new fashion trend...although I hope you weren't wearing a thong. Could be more than you are willing to share with the kid's school or Costco shoppers~!
admin said…
I like your attitude about it all. I would be very embarrassed.
Oh my goodness, you are a better woman than me because I would have DIED from embarrassment not to mention obsessed for days over exactly at what point that it happened and who saw what when?!!

Popping over from SITS Roll Call to visit. Have a great ripless week!
oh my - i have never ripped my pants only pooped my pants
That was a good laugh!! You really have a great perspective on the situation! So funny!!
Sassy Chica said…
I will not laugh and say it's funny because with my karma it will happen to me next. So here is what I will say, great job on your discriptive writing and we all have faux pas; it's fun to share them!!

Sassy Chica
hehehehhe, Spongebob rocks and what is a funny story without a pair of pants ripping? :)

Hopping over from the SITS site.

Happy Tuesday.
Lene said…
And that is why I am grateful for a powerful zoom.
Lani said…
oh my, this is soo something that would happen to me:) Stopping by from SITS:)
Jeanette said…
Maybe it happened when you sat down in the car to drive home. Yes, I'm sure that's when it happened.
Yikes! Oh well, at least the folks who saw had something to talk about for five minutes before they completely forgot!
Stopping by from SITS
AiringMyLaundry said…

I once split my pants before. I kept on shopping though even though people were staring.
MaricrisG said…
HA! that is just so hilarious. I think the kicker is you're not sure as to when it happened and who's seen it.
yulz said…
hahaha funny !

stopping by the SITS
I could puruse that Walmart site all night! I've seen a few choice people at the Kmart on Boulder Highway. And I hardly ever shop there, but every time I do....

Sorry about your pants.
Were they granny panties?
Heaven forbid; a THONG?
You've got to sell the house and move.
There's no going back now.
Julie said…
Oh my, what fun. At least you know you're in good company with spongebob there.
Bren's Life said…
Man that sucks!! But I am sure whoever got to see the show really enjoyed it!!
Lacey said…
People of Walmart? Oh my! That would be horrible. Congrats on not ending up there! Stopping by from sits:)
At least it wasn't your exercise pants in cycling class.
(hi me!)

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