Needles or Bust

A few days before Christmas, the kids and I made an excursion to my birthplace, Needles CA, to visit Grandpa Teddy and Grandma Kathy. We had a super fun day. The kids especially enjoyed crusin around town in Grandpa Teddy's cool effecient Gem Car. I opted for a full size truck with a heater.
We hit Burger Hut for lunch, aka Irene's back in my day. I made 
myself sick on a combo burrito and taquitos. Yumm, my mouth waters just thinking about it.. I especially enjoyed catching up with my sisters and getting a city update with my dad. It really is a shame we don't get down there more often. Here are some pictures from our trip.
Me and my youngest sibling Frannie 14 years old
Frannie, Me and Rainie my college student sister... you go gurl!
Dad and his girls, we are responsible for all the gray hair that makes him so distinguished.
Also a big thank you and love you to Grandma Kathy for all of her thoughtfulness and love, she really made Christmas special in the Crabtree household.


Bren's Life said…
I can't Believe you have a 14 yr old sister. Sheesh...
And dang girl You are so freaking Beautiful. I am so dead serious. You do not take a bad picture at all. I love your hair & the glasses. It's just not fair. I need to do something about my weight & be Beautiful on the outside, not just inside.. You know because my 20 ft of intestines are so Beauty-full....

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