SPT... i think it would be romantic to...

motorcycle through europe.. beaches of spain, mountains of transylvania...
dont know how romantic that is, but i've always wanted to do it. something about motorcycles gets me excited... oh yea, mike was a sexy hunk on a motorcycle when we met. i loved riding with him. someday.


vgsmom said…
Great pictures! Feel free to use my disney quotes.
Bren's Life said…
I thought I remember him driving a motorcycle.. That would be fun! But I wouldn't want to be on the back with my hubby. Unless he learned how to drive a motorcycle.
I'd have to teach him...
Jeanette said…
Rick and I want to do something like that too someday. We should all go together. How fun would that be!
A motorcycle man and a motorcycle mama! That sounds like a great way to experience Europe!
I can just picture you....hair blowing, laughing, ocean mist on your face . . . romantic, indeed.
Tiffany said…
You are an adventurous one. I'd love to see those places too, but I think I'd opt for other transportation. Fun!! oh wait I mean romantic!
shannon said…
You really ARE adventurous. I think that riding around in a motorcyle sounds better than it might be. A moped is as crazy as I'll get...:)
Lene said…
That sound like an amazing time. I would love it.
jakenapril said…
that would be fun. something about men on motorcycles. i get it.
Mmmmm.... motorcycle road trip anywhere would be romantic.
Dacia said…
Looks quite adventurous. I'm a big wimp for motorcycles, but if you guys love it that's great. I'd love to travel with my sweetie too. Have a great Valentine's Day!
jenn said…
i think that would be way romantic! to be in another country and just motorcycle around the country side! oh my gosh! too cool!

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