Diary of a Makeup Artist #18 Glamorous Life???

This is so my world. I get this all the time... please watch..

"You'll be on set for 12 hours but really you'll just be powdering and not using much makeup. Can you give me a 50% discount since you'll only be powdering for 12 hours?" (12 hours is 12 hours, I don't care how much freakin makeup I use!)

"Were doing this really fun shoot that I think you would really love to be a part of. We can't pay you but it will be really fun." (Because WORK IS FUN no matter how much you get paid???)

"You know I have alot of work coming in the future that you could be a part of, if you'll just work for nothing this time, we can totally make it up to you later, because this fab job is going to lead to so much more." (Run! I worked for this guy once, never saw him again. What happened to his bright gig filled future?)

"We'd be happy to pay your kit fee and feed you a lunch, but we've only budgeted for about 10% of your day rate." (Makeup is the first thing cut from any budget, next is your meal.)

"Were shooting a test (non paid photoshoot) at the Valley of Fire, we don't have a motorhome, a budget or water, but it would make a great addition to your portfolio. I see you've shot there before, but you've never shot there with me!" (No thanks, I have National Ad Campaign Tearsheets that were in GQ and Vogue and I got paid my full rate, as well as overtime, was hand delivered water frequently, and an air conditioned makeup trailer. Your fab idea isnt getting me out to the desert during the summer for anything less.)

(read with a Chinese accent) "Hi were a production company coming to U.S. from China, you give us recession rate?" (Last time I checked China wasn't in a recession???)

Don't get me wrong, I love my job, but it has it's pitfalls...

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Dumbing this down from the Glamorous Life to Miss Kelly's House of Torture Daycare:

"I'd like you to watch my three-year-old for nothing. He has cancer and other than the occasional vomiting he's low maintenance.
EVERYBODY loves babies, so you probably want to take care of the four-month-old for free."

Nobody says this stuff.
You work with crazees!
mommakin said…
That's insanity, pure and simple.
Lene said…
It's your job and you expect to get paid...silly. Ü
Amanda.Sedeno said…
I loved the video.. ITS SOO TRUE how people are just insane and try to stick it to ya.. Oh and i gave you an award on my blog :D
Marcie Ashton said…
Ha Ha! And not in a really funny way. My husband owns a car repair shop, so we hear lots of those things as well...like people who want to borrow expensive specialty tools so they can do the job themselves-then when they get stuck in the middle, want Ryan to fix it for half price since they already started the job!

Thanks for sharing. My whole family enjoyed that one!
Jeanette said…
Being in the custom field, Rick is going to love this! There are so many people out there like that. Sad but true.
so sad. That people actually do think like this.
Janiece said…
stupid people...sounds like they need a ride through "Navajo Nation at night !
I chuckled to read you know the stories!! and by the way...I am a total believer!
Wow, I feel bad for Marcie. Is that along the same lines of asking a doctor for medical advice? (which is something I don't do) I do have a lawyer friend who will send you a bill for a phone call. (I don't know if they are all that way. I only have experience with the one)
Manuela said…
It's sad, and I've witnessed people behave this way. So rude!
Unknown said…
Do they realize what they are asking? I mean they should just think of how they would feel if someone asked them to work for free! Some people just don't think!
AiringMyLaundry said…
How rude of these people! Sheesh.

I'd be THRILLED with a makeup artist.
Bren's Life said…
Whoa! That's sad. And here you are giving us free make up advice all the time & I keep asking you for advice. Not thinking - your probably like. Ok - enough or I'm going to charge ya!!! Sorry!!!!
That video is crazy. It makes me think of going to Mexico & you barter with them.
Aubrey said…
I'm sorry, I can't help laughing. To think that really comes out of their mouths!

That is too much!
Julie said…
Very funny! People are so creative when trying to pull a con! I'm leaving an award for you on my blog. Pick it up if you're interested :)

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