keep on rockin me baby (awards that rock)

I've been meaning to give awards to some of my blogger friends who's blogs totally ROCK! They rock me because they effect me in one way or another. But these bloggers rock mostly because we have a "real" blogger friendship. I read them for reals and they read me for reals..

And with awards come rules. The Rocker of Blogs does hereby decree that all bloggers who are bequeathed the "This Blog Rocks" award, must henceforth bequeath this treasure to at least 5 bloggers who are of Rockin Blog decent.

I hereby bequeath this noble award to:

1. Keep in Touch With Mommakin
2. Housewife Savant
3. Bliss
4. Embrace the Chaos
5. The Five Fish (new friend)
6. Midday Escapades
7. Living in France (new friend)
8. One Moment at a Time
9. Without a Place
10. Tater Tot Mom
11. Absolutely Lady Like
12. Sassy Chica
13. Luv Ur Kids
14. Design It Chic
15. Life of a Cinnamon Girl

This code below the award can be pasted into your columns by clicking on "add Gadget" selecting "add HTML" and then a quick paste and save should do the trick.
This Blog Rocks

Thanks for Rockin my blog world peeps. You really do ROCK!

post signaturerockin me by the steve miller band


KarieK said…
You know what lady!!?? You rock my world with your genuine self. Means so much to me!! Plus I am so lucky to have some super cool new blogs to go scope out.
Lene said…
Okay Mary I really am a computer dork and I feel really stupid asking this question and then you are going to take the award away from me...

Okay I am breathing again...

So how do I put the code in my blog post so the people I award it to can have it?

See I really am a dork.
Macey said…
Thank you!! I love this award, it's SO cute! :)
great award! it really rocks ;)
thank you for a lovely comment on my post: you can easily replace the coconut with flour or even with biscuits. you can also make a simple shortcrust pastry!
have a sweet day!
mommakin said…
Love it!!!! Thanks so much!!!
Anonymous said…
Oh, yeah! This award rocks and I am honored to be bequethed by the Queen Rocker herself. Congrats to all the other bequethees, too!

p.s. I will be posting awards on Sunday. Thank you!
Jeanette said…
Ahh, you shouldn't have. Thanks for all of the blog love. Ur a sweety-poo!
Allison said…
Thanks so much! You rock with all your awesomness!
Sassy Chica said…
Hot Damn, I am so elated, excited and honored for this award!
I really needed a little pick me up today and you came through for me Chica!!

I too think that you and your blog ROCK!!!

Sassy Chica
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Me again - Come on over to my place,I've got something for you:

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