Been a long time since i rock n' roll... blog rock

just the way a "Rock"wood likes it..
Yes I know you wanna Rock! So here's a quick up date on the poor neglected Blog Rock front.

You know that cool Friday Follow meme...  Well that cutie patootie button with those party animal kiddos...  yup.. Blog Rock..  If you haven't joined Friday Follow, be sure to catch it this week at Midday Escapades.
Friday Follow

Let's see, Bliss my bestest blogger bud, whos responsible for my many hours on the computer. See if it hadn't been for her, I might actually be doing housework when I'm supposed to, instead of blogging the hours away... Blaming someone else sure does make me feel validated.. Ah who am I kidding! I love growing my hiney in front of the mac, making cute pictures and designs all the live long day. Sorry Jeanette, you only helped unleash the beast. And I love you for it!  Anyways... Bliss was due for a makeover, so we went stretchy-scrapbook-retro-chic! Whadaya think?
And here we have a Blog Rock Bombarding. Poor Lene... See I had a week off of work and since Blog Rock had been neglected for so long, I had zero projects in the shoot, and way too much housework to do. Hence, I got bored and pushed my creativity on someone else. I'm that little girl on the playground that's way too bossy, telling all her friends what to do. Ya, be careful being my friend, you never know what I might obligate you to. Thanks for using your new header Lene..  Visit Lene at Embrace the Chaos
To see more Blog Rock Designs visit Blog Rock!
If you're interested in Rockin your blog email me at
post signatureRock n' Roll by Led Zepplin


Holly Lefevre said…
Your designs are fab. That Friday Follow button is too of my faves!
Liz Mays said…
You really have been busy!!
Anonymous said…
Your designs ROCK!!! We absolutely LOVE the Friday Follow button you made for us. Gotten lots of compliments on it. Thank you again!
Jeanette said…
You've become a much better blogger than I am. I could take lessons from you these days. And I can't wait to see what you do with my new blog! Even if I wanted to talk myself out of a second blog I couldn't now because I'm too excited to see your design! So fun!
Macey said…
I LOVE your work. :)
More fab stuff. You rock.
Hi - following from Friday Follow!
Unknown said…
Happy FF!! I'm a new follower:) Come by my blog later.
Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm now following you as well.
Tatum said…
I am now following & Have a great FF..
CM said…
Cool design!

Following you back! Nice to meet you :-)
Organic Girl said…
Happy Follow Friday :) Organic girl and Todays Diva!
Kimberly said…
She did a great job. It looks great.
Pamela Scott said…
love your blog I am a follower now Happy FF!!!
Deeka's Lair said…
Thanks for stopping by my blog..its nice to meet you and read your blog!
Janiece said…
Should have known you did the Friday Follower button...because it ROCKS!
Betty Manousos said…
Awesome stuff!
Have a gret week-end, Mary!
Betty xx
That's a fun font on "embrace the chaos"
love your designs, really! have a great monday,

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