Long Long Way from Home

Please forgive me!  I've been a terrible blogger friend these days.  I have been on the road alot with a client traveling from here to there and everywhere.  Once again it sounds much more glamourous that it truly is.  I've seen the inside of 7 airports this week and still have one more to go.  I am hoping to catch up and visit my cyber friends next week, so be on the look out...

It's a bird, its a plane.....  no... It's Mary RC for crap sake!

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Jeanette said…
Hang in there. Can't wait to have you back!
Mama-Face said…
You're forgiven by me...but I don't know how much that counts since I've been a blogging flunkie myself...you did pop into my mind earlier today; is that weird?

Take care. )
Macey said…
Haha! Mary RC for craps sake! Godspeed!
Marcie Ashton said…
Wow! Hope everything goes smoothly for you. Traveling always sounds so glamorous, until you spend half of the time fighting airports.
Make the best of it dear!
Liz Mays said…
But you're working and that's great!!! Although I'm sure home is where you wouldn't mind resting your head for a minute!
Anonymous said…
No worries here either. Wishing you safe travels and some well-deserved rest when you finally land at home. :0)
I hate airports, but I love the song on your player Foreigner
Tana said…
How cool that you get to work with such fun people! And that you know how to mind your P's and Q's! I would imagine that would be crucial in Hollywood.
Janiece said…
I have missed you!

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