diary of a makeup artist #37 - move out

Well the cat is out of the bag. And I feel good about it. The suppression was stifling.

We've moved!! We boxed up our house and drove it to California.  We left our beloved Boulder City, its so very incredibly sad.  I'm still in denial however, just call me Cleopatra, Queen of  De-Nile.  I haven't really had a chance to adjust, being that I'm on the road 5 to 6 days a week.  Mike and the kids are doing well, but Ace (the dog) and I, not so much.  But only 28 more days on the road and full reality will hit. My crown will shatter and I will have to deal.

 I was considering keeping the move under wraps because news travels WAY too fast in the small world of production.  The minute someone hears (especially your competition) you've left a market or have taken of f on a long time gig, the local headlines explode like Linsay Lohan's latest stint in rehab.. "Mary RC Has Left Town, Who Will Work In Her Place??"  within days, the phone stops ringing and your inbox is empty.  So  I  thought, Ill keep it a secret, nobody needs to know I've moved, I can travel back to Vegas for work, easy peasy.  Uh NOT....  literally hours after the moving truck hit the road, a Facebook friend in Idaho (I contacted all my local friends and asked them to keep a lid on it) posted the news on my wall.  I quickly deleted, but a few more hours passed and another post from a friend in New York, I deleted again, but it didn't stop.  Facebook was outing me.  
 Then I found myself saying "please don't tell anyone, dont discuss it on Facebook"  essentially "lie for me will ya!"  Not to mention the full stop on my blogging.  Way too much to hide.  I decided it was wrong, face the music, whats done is done, embrace the move so I can get outta the bag. 
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AiringMyLaundry said…
Congrats on the move :)
Macey said…
Well I'm happy for you! But hello, why can't people on FB shut it?? Srsly!
Marcie Ashton said…
I have to admit-that's why I stay away from facebook. I've heard of people getting Primary substitutes on facebook, and asking others to pick up chicken for them at Walmart!

I hope California holds nothing but good things for you. Best wishes!
Kim said…
There's a reason that moving is one of the top 5 stressors in life . . . it's stressful! Hang in there and good luck setting up your new home!
Bren's Life said…
Man - a lot has been going on with you. I didn't know you were traveling. I wondered how long it would be before you moved though.. Where in CA? By a beach & we can come see you guys!!!! lol..
Good luck! Hope you can jump into the market there & do awesome.
Betty Manousos said…
Congrats on the move.
I'm going to have to delete my facebook account.

Hope you have a nice weekend!
B xx
Janiece said…
Whew...at least I know I was not the Idaho Friend that blabbed...
But...boy I feel so out of it!
It's the middle of January 2011, and this is the first I have heard of your move!!
So, after 3 months are you settling in?
Hope this finds you doing GREAT!

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