"Who is your favorite celebrity you've worked with?" This is a question I get asked often. Honestly it makes me uncomfortable because I feel like my favorite isn't the asker's favorite and they're never impressed. Jude Law, Sylvester Stallone, Molly Sims... none hold a candle to "Heart"in my book. I can still remember in the 8 th grade opening a gift that contained a cassette entitled "HEART". This was MY tape, not my dad's L.P. that he would make me a copy of, this was a true cassette with a genuine cover and the songs printed (not handwritten) on the cassette itself. Ooooh see see, the lyrics are written in the jacket, no more rewinding and fast forwarding trying to figure out the words to my favorite songs. And look how cool Ann and Nancy were, I'll be staring at this for hours thank you very much, AND it rocked! Listening to Ann belt out a rockin tune in her amazing crisp and rich voice was not new to me. See my dad Te...